February 28, 2007 7:57 PM
Here it is! This is it! Here we are, together, in this same but altogether new internet place. It's the NEW States Rights Records website! What does every one think? Interesting! So much thanks to Jona Bechtolt for his very hard work on the new website. Feels pretty good in here.
Speaking of Jona! GUESS WHAT? We have a brand new YACHT CD for sale! It's the first new YACHT CD in something like 2 human years! Much too long if you ask me. The new CD is called "Our Friends in Hell" and it is a compilation of remixes that Jona has been asked to make for some great artists like Architecture in Helsinki, Mirah, White Rainbow, The Blow, Bobby Birdman, Lucky Dragons, Copy, Tussle, and The World Court. The great thing about this album is that it really feels like an ALBUM not just a remix disc or a weird comp. We sequenced it carefully and because all the jams were created by YACHT it has a cool flow. OH! It also features a brand new track from YACHT that is a premix of his forthcoming full length "I Believe In You. Your Magic Is Real." PLUS PLUS PLUS! GET THIS! The first 100 orders get a FREE awesome screenprinted poster specially designed by Shoboshobo who did all the art for the album. All orders of this new album with come with a rad FREE YACHT sticker! (UPDATE!: Free posters and stickers all gone. Posters for sale for only $2 now) Such a sweet bundle, you guys!
In our distro we have a new limited edition album by White Rainbow called Sun Shifts. It's one track and 65 minutes long that takes you in many directions. These were made in the very limited edition of 100 and are going fast.
With the new website we want to keep you updated with every upcoming concert of SRR bands and buddies. We will have new podcasts available (fully subscribable) and so much more. Plus the very imminent Paper album, the bursting at the seams double disc Grown Zone comp, and so much more. OH! Double plus, we are going to have States Rights merch/gear/stuff including stickers, shirts, other things very soon which we have never done before. We are more excited than ever before. Can you tell?
Comments (11):
I swear I'm having epic dreams about you guys since this new design dropped. Some epic winds are blowing, not even my dreamcatcherwindchime can keep at bay!
Posted by ashby @ March 13, 2007 2:19 PM
yo steve, this site rules. it´s much better than rock-a-fella! peace J.
Posted by jan @ March 13, 2007 2:19 PM
Eric, you don't like Huey Lewis??? That's just silly.
Does anybody want to start a yahoo discussion group of the 50 best and 50 worst sports logos and jerseys of all time?? I DO!
Posted by Steve Schroeder @ March 13, 2007 2:38 PM
Uncle Boat Shoes, I love your new site. Can't wait to see you
Posted by Harlan @ March 16, 2007 7:08 PM
woah, actually saying out loud about the nirvana samples! courtney's gonna be PISSED
Posted by aldim @ April 2, 2007 4:02 PM
Do you recognize that it is correct time to receive the home loans, which can make you dreams real.
Posted by LenoraCruz @ September 22, 2010 5:04 PM
I am a huge fan of this show. It is shot all over the world, living up to the expectations from its fans.
Posted by The Walking Dead UK Edition Seasons 1-2 DVD @ June 30, 2013 11:50 PM
I heard the free posters are already gone. DAMN!
Posted by Jona @ March 12, 2007 6:15 PM