"Just As God Made Us" Can Now Be Yours
August 7, 2007 12:10 PM
You have already heard me say that Lloyd & Michael are your new favorite band. I have more grandiose statements. Just As God Made Us by Lloyd & Michael is your new favorite album AND now you can now purchase it.
It's such a special album. Such a delicious and hearty gypsy stew of pop, folk, prog, beauty, dissonance, poetic words, and the familiarity and joy of people who have been awesome friends for more than a decade.
I literally never get sick of listening to this album and I think that could be the case for everyone.
PLUS! Have you seen the artwork??
SO AMAZING!! I know it is over in the featured releases section to the right there but that version is kinda squished to fit in the square zone it has to fit in there. What a concept.
Thank you Lloyd & Michael for giving this record label one of its proudest moments yet.
Dudes, check it out, listen to a jam, become friends with Lloyd & Michael, and discover your new favorite album.
Comments (4):
i love you all.
we are proud of all that you do.
i would drop some ascii - but i fear it will not work
thus no mudkips
Posted by Koba @ October 15, 2007 7:41 PM
From Chris Walla's blog:
"Katy Davidson sent me a copy of a record called 'Just As God Made Us' by Lloyd & Michael, out on States Rights records. Katy is half of that group. The other half (the Michael half, I believe) is Marianna Ritchey, the genius behind The Badger King and Manta / Mantar.
I always loved Dear Nora. Pretty much without reservation, in fact. But the L&M record is committed and accomplished and badass in a way that Dear Nora rarely was. It's also floaty and psychedelic and insane in a way Ritchey didn't quite get to with The Badger King or Manta. It sounds a little bit like a Yes record, complete with birds and mountains, and with some unstoppable pop songs: If 'When the Morning Comes' doesn't melt you then you're planet Mercury and all hope is lost. And, maybe most importantly, it's so nice to hear L&M singing together again for a whole record."
Posted by Claire @ October 17, 2007 11:02 PM
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Posted by xbox live codes @ February 28, 2017 4:44 AM
these dudes are so totally wicked cool!!!! can't wait to hear it on compact disc! does it sound just like it did at heck fest?
Posted by ashby @ August 8, 2007 2:44 PM