Lot Talks No. 1 w/Adam Forkner of White Rainbow
September 15, 2009 10:06 PM
Lot Talks w/Adam Forkner of White Rainbow from States Rights Records on Vimeo.
It's the first in our new interview series...LOT TALKS. The intent is to go somewhat in depth in a casual way with some of my and hopefully your favorite artists. I think we collectively uncover some aspects of these artists that aren't normally covered and also get some exclusive material out of these suckers!
First up, we have Adam Forkner of White Rainbow and so many other projects talks about his new album, New Clouds coming out soon on Kranky and also talks about some other projects he is involved with like Rob Walmart, We Like Cats which is a dub group he is in with Honey Owens of Valet and Eva Salens of Inca Ore, the new Adrian Orange album, and more. We also talk about humor in music, hyphy, and Adam's work with making more beat based music throughout the years.
A recent example of Adam's more beat based work. If any rappers or anyone needs beats out there. Hit up my man!
Comments (4):
Great interview!
Wow~ Adam look so adorable in it.
Ciara from installation chauffe eau
Posted by Ciara @ May 28, 2012 6:20 AM
Cool sesh dudes.
Posted by E*Rock @ September 16, 2009 6:52 PM