Lucky Dragons
A Sewing Circle

This is States Rights Pennsylvania
1. Breakers
2. Pickled Ginger
3. ...
4. Fish Passing
5. Mo Cheeks Edit
6. Open Family
7. Fake Is Forever (5.9 MB MP3)
8. Cookout Bells
9. Hungry House
10. Jean's Theme
11. Adult Elk
12. Dirty War
13. The Molding Spear
14. Intro
15. One Version Of 23-Year Old American Boy
16. I Drove Too Fast, I Made Us Crash/I'm Sorry, I Ruined Everything/My Head Was Spinning, My Heart Was Full
17. Time Division Multiplexing
18. In Gary's Room
19. I Made You Nervous (In 1995) (3.8 MB MP3)
20. In the Kitchen (Pt. 2)
21. Be Careful What You Do (Pt. 1)
22. Theme From "Sleep Through Me"
23. Passport To Pymlico
24. Be Careful What You Do (Pt. 2)
25. In The Basement
26. New Men (End)
27. Stereo Glitter
28. Little Mistakes (1.8 MB MP3)
29. Green Pupa
30. Green Folksong
31. What The Rice Said
32. Drums Outside
33. Blunt
34. The Electricians
35. Flare
36. Behavior (Formless Revenge)
37. Tiny What
38. Flake Jingle
39. The Nines
40. New Men (5.9 MB MP3)
41. Stereo Wheat
42. Cookout Smell
44. Laugh Loop
45. Oh My Gosh Vagina
46. Midgets
47. Sugar Shoes
Plus 2 extra MP3 only tracks:
Part Of Race (.5 MB MP3) - This poor track was forgotten somewhere along the way.
New Men (Screwed Version) (4.0 MB MP3) - This version was on some later versions of Faults instead of New Men, and we were gonna put both on but they both didn't fit.
A truly overwhelming amount of music, but overwhelming in a "why aren't i familiar with these amazing songs already?" way. On this incrdible new Lucky Dragons release, A Sewing Circle, Lucky Dragons have all of their limited vinyl and cdr releases to date released on cd in one package. 47 SONGS!!!! From their first 7", F_uxus 2.0, released on their own label English Muffin back in the year 2000 to their 2004 edition of 100 CDR tour album Faults and 2005's mega limited edition of 20 from the 20 Bees series.
This scan doesn't do these beautiful covers justice. It is gold on chipboard Arigato Pak, and it's beautiful monochromed. It is very vibrant in some lights and sorta hidden and you may have to tilt it in other lights. This also comes with a great doubly sided poster. One side is the breakdown of all the releases and songs, and the other side is a rad painting by the Sumi Ink Club (Luke and Sarah). This is an amazing release, and a heck of a deal if I do say so myself.