
Released by Marriage
1. Hello! Hello?
2. Totally Stoked (On You)
3. Hot Dog (Iron Cobra Version) (2.2 MB MP3)
4. Roar (Oops Version)
5. I Love a Computer (Anacortes Version)
6. Dans Danmark (2005 Version)
7. Moot Point
8. I Fought With My Friend (Call Back)
9. Why Do Trucks?
10. Daydreams with Daffodils
11. Vacationland Guitaroo
12. Possessive
13. Night Terrors (Grunge Version)
14. D.C. November 2003
15. Now It Is All Over Like The Birds (Version)
Plus an awesome DVD filled to the brim with content.
MEGA is the 2nd official release from YACHT and it shows enormous growth. A mega ep or mini LP or something like that it is filled with catchy singles, explorations into drone, grunge, and melody. MEGA also comes with a very awesome DVD that has videos, live shows, weird trippy video art explorations into MEGA, tour diaries, and other stuff. This guys got the goods