Parenthetical Girls

Released by Slender Means Society
Side O (mixed by Jherek Bischoff of The Dead Science)
1. Tuba For Soprano
2. Here's To Forgetting (5.1MB MP3)
3. Alright
4. Of Collateral Damage (and other loose ends)
5. Inspirational Short Pants
6. C-86 Is Killing My Life
7. Love Connection
1. Tuba For Soprano
2. Here's To Forgetting
3. Alright
4. Of Collateral Damage (and other loose ends)
5. Inspirational Short Pants
6. C-86 Is Killing My Life (6.5MB MP3)
7. Love Connection
8. Inspiration Short Pants (avec paroles) CD Bonus Track
The cover art is creepy. Don't let that scare you. The music is a less-than-subtle amalgam of Spectorian craft, oblique strategy, opiated reverb, and saccharine-sweet sensibilities. Don't let that scare you, either. This a pop record, in spite of itself. There are gentle songs, jarring songs, songs that are scarely songs at all. Seven songs retrofitted and bisected into siamese sisers by Xiu Xiu's Jamie Stewart and the Dead Science's Jherek Bischoff.